
Marcel Ghrayeb  مرسيل غريّب, born 18 August 1989 Jbeil is a Lebanese “Santur” player, a music composer and a music teacher.
He began playing piano at the age of 10 and composes his first single at 14, He is graduated of the Lebanese University and USEK where he received his Bachelor of Musician and musicology.
He won the award of the best melodist between all universities in Lebanon. In 2014 he performed in the “Carrefour international” music festival in France.
Throughout his career, Marcel Performed and delivered a variety covers & interpretations; His first single and video was released in July 2016 “الورد عاشقة يا”
“Ya achikata Al Wardi” Oriental-House version on "SANTUR" On the 2nd of September 2016, he organized his private concert with the name of “وليلة سنة ميّة “in Achrafieh Beirut.

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