When it comes to launching new products, Samsung goes all out. As a trusted live entertainment provider, Music-A was there to help celebrate the launch of several Samsung products with our signature quality live music and artistic performances.
The launch of the Samsung S9 and Samsung Note 9 phones in Jordan, organized by Between the Lines, was held at the breathtaking Kempinsky hotel Ishtar dead sea. It provided the perfect backdrop for our aerialists to enchant the attendees with their graceful silk work.
Our performance artists were also present to greet and entertain guests before and during the event with mimes adding a touch of fun to this successful launch.
At the Samsung S8: Unbox Your Phone launch held at the OCIEL venue in Nahr El Kaleb on the 10th of May 2017, our hand pan drums offered the perfect electro-ethnic ambient music for the festivities, organized by our longtime client, Kristie’s Agency. Our live music performance enchanted the crowds as they discovered Samsung’s new product.
Watch our S8 performance here
Follow Kristie’s Agency @kristiesagency
Follow Between the Lines @btlinesjo
Check out the venues @ocielvenue and @kempinskiishtar